Wednesday, March 5, 2014


OK, so apparently there are people reading this blog and my facebook account and complaining.   There also people supposedly running to my ex and telling him I am bashing him.   So there are a few things I need to get out there.

First of all, if you are one of the people running and reporting to my ex, and falsely at that, you really need to get a life.   Adding more drama to an already very complicated situation is low and pathetic.  He chose to delete my Facebook so he wouldn't have to see my stuff, and he is free to read this blog anytime he would like, so he doesn't need you running and making him feel like I am bashing him.  I find the notion that there are people actually doing that completely ridiculous.

Next, if you are taking offense to anything you see on here or don't like it, the simple solution is to NOT READ IT!  If you don't care for what you see on my Facebook, just delete me!   Im really OK with that because I dont need people in my life like that anyways.  I have a few good people who hold me accountable to everything I post and I am VERY cautions about what I post.  We have two children involved and I always keep that in mind.   I write because it helps me in my healing process and because I enjoy it and hope to make something of this blog someday.

OK, now if your still reading, a few facts about my divorce I am going to share.  Yes, I wanted the divorce.  But I had VERY good reasons for doing so.  However, despite what some people believe, my ex was the one that filed so clearly he wanted it too.   Even though I did want the divorce though, that does not make it easy.  Divorce is not a pretty thing, it is not a fun thing, it is not a good thing in any way at all.  It sure is not an easy thing, especially when kids are involved.   I wanted to be married to one person for my entire life.  I wanted a happy family where love was evident.   I never envisioned myself on the road to single mommy hood.   So yah, my life kinda sucks at times right now.  This is an awful journey that I would never wish on a single person.  That doesnt mean I am playing the "victim role" it just means I am struggling right now!   I dont believe this will be forever.  I hope and pray for the time that all this is easier.  But right now, I am doing my best to take it one second at a time.  No, my ex and I do not get along at all right now and its sad and its unfortunate and hopefully one day that will change.   The reasons behind any of that are REALLY NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS though.   I guarantee what you know, or think you know, there is another side to the story.  As much as I would at times love to blast my side and stand up and shout out my version of the truth, it would do no good.  It would just cause more drama and more heartache and headache and right now my main focus is my healing and my children.

Lastly, if you are hearing rumors (even if they are coming from a direct source, unless you hear it from my mouth, thats what it is) and you choose to believe them and take sides, thats your choice.   The people who know me and who love me, even the ones who do not know everything (not many people do) will stand behind me and continue to love me regardless.  That is the kind of people I need in my life.   If you really have a question, dont be afraid to just ask me.  I will either tell you it is none of your business (I will be polite) or I will tell enough to respectfully answer the question.  But let me remind you, if you were going through a difficult time, whether by choice or not, how would you want to be treated?   What would you need from other people?   What type of people would you want around you?  Be that person.....

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