Tuesday, May 5, 2015

A Little Less Judgin' and A Lot More Lovin'

I grew up going to church.  We went every week unless something was really wrong.   I grew up with a strong faith instilled in me.   I am thankful for that.   As I got older and older, I met more and more people who loved God, who loved serving God, but hated going to church.  Always broke my heart.  But I have a confession, I was pretty judgmental myself.  I always knew and spoke out on how important understanding was, I always knew there were other sides to every story, but never lived it myself the way I should.   Over the past few years, Ive felt the sting of judgment myself.  Ive seen several different people I love chased out of different churches for false judgements.  

  • That girl with the colored hair, she is a youth mentor helping teens see their true value
  • That boy covered in tattoos, hes used some of those tattoos to lead people to Christ
  • That teenager you see being promiscuous, she was sexually abused and seeking anyone to just love her for who she is
  •  That person wearing sweat pants to church and a shirt with stains or images your don't approve of, that was the best they had
  • That person sitting alone in the corner to themselves acting weird, they feel all alone in the world and like nobody accepts them
  • That single mom, she left an abusive situation and is hanging on by a thread
  • That child being overly affectionate, she just loves people and wants it to show
  • That woman you see walking the street late at night, she just wanted to provide for her kids and felt that was her only choice
  • That man you see drinking a lot, is silently struggling with some major demons and just needs a real friend
Ive seen people say they want to be Jesus to people, then completely turn their backs on them.    Ive seen fellow Christians mess up, confess and ask for forgiveness, and still be TORN apart by people they trusted.   Ive seen other Christians use scripture to try and tear down their brothers and sisters.   (by the way, I just heard an amazing sermon on how Satan used scripture too!   When he came to Jesus to try to tempt him.  Thats right, even Satan used Scripture as a weapon!   Imagine how Jesus feels when he sees his children doing the same thing!)  I've seen people be confronted "in love and in Christ" by yelling aggressively.  People, we are missing something!!!   Something big!   When Jesus came down, he LOVED people!   He did not hang out with just the prophets and disciples.   He showed love to the tax collector, to the prostitute, to the sick, to the homeless, and so much more.  LOVE!  

We wonder why so many of the younger generations pull away from the church when they get older.   There is so much hate and anger in the world, why would they come to our doors to see the exact same thing?

Here is something that was really hard for me to swallow (and at times I still struggle with when it comes to people I view as down right bad people)........we are sinners too!   We mess up!   Sometimes its something as little as a small lie, sometimes its something that goes on for a long time.   Maybe its just sin in our thoughts.  It doesn't matter! So that person you are so sure is such a dirty low sinner...you dont know the whole story....and even if you did, how are you really any better?  How is treating that person with cruelness going to help?  What if whenever we messed up, it was written on our foreheads for the world to see?   What if people treated you the way you've treated the person you dislike and judge the most?

To anyone I have judged in the past, I AM SORRY!   To anyone that has been judged by people who claim to love Jesus, please don't judge Him based on them.  I promise you whatever you do, He knows the whole story, and guess what?  HE LOVES YOU ANYWAY!!!!!     


  1. Yea, but NOT all people that go to church are honest. I know of someone now who goes to church, and has intervened into another persons relationship, helping destroy anothers for her own gain. Shame on that person. Goes to the same church as the married couple does.... wanting to take over that wife's position.. SHAME, that's not right. And then puts drama out there, so people will feel sorry for her.... SHAME on her.

  2. It's so easy to throw stones, isn't it? So easy to not want to look at ourselves in the mirror and pick the log out of our own eye when we can see the sliver so clearly in someone else's? How about instead of hearsay and rumor, we give someone the benefit of a doubt? Try to believe the best in people? God does not call us to judge others but to love them as we love ourselves. Do we go to church because we are perfect? If so, why bother going? We go because we are a broken people in need of a perfect God. We are supposed to love on the broken, not tear them down. Love. It's definition is in the Bible. 1 Corinthians 13:4-8
    4 Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. 5 It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. 6 Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. 7 It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. 8 Love never fails.
    So I ask you, what part of your comment was in the name of love? Was it the part where you accused her of dishonesty? Or was it the part where you put names on the stones you are throwing? Shame on who?
    But if it makes you feel better, keep throwing stones...

  3. You are right not all people who go to church are honest. I believe that is what she is saying. And not all people who go to church (well I have yet to meet one) minds their own business. People are too quick to judge without knowing both sides of every story. So what people have been married more than once....does it make God love them any less? Nope SO what that person over there had an affair....was it on you? If not then none of your business anyway but who is to say that person didn't ask God for forgiveness...were you there? So what that person has tattoos, piercings or wild colored hair....they are probably nicer than you are. So what!!!! When we ask GOD for forgiveness for any of our sins (cause everyone of us sin even you) he will love you and forgive you and will be like so what if others think bad of you I love you. IF "Christians" would start worrying about living more like Christ and stop worrying about who or what they can gossip about the world would be a different place. If you are a so called Christian and you ignite the fire of gossip by continuing to spread it that doesn't please God. So let me say this...great BLOG on calling it what it is just a bunch of judgmental people who need to learn to see things the way Christ sees them and stop seeing them as the world sees them!

  4. "Tammy," seems like you are feeding into the gossip that is circulating around your church? "NOT all people that go to church are honest." I thought church was for sinners, not for perfect people. Your post is a prime example of what this blog is written about.
