Monday, October 6, 2014

Strong Pioneer Roots

OK, so this past weekend I had to go to the home going service of one of my amazing friends that had to leave us too soon (I'm thinking my next blog may have to be about Charlette, so much to learn from that woman!).  I realized something this past weekend (OK, a lot of things, but lets focus on one).   Charlette's life touched so many different people.   At the funeral, there were a lot of my classmates there.    It has been about 16 years since I graduated high school, and I can admit, I have a HORRIBLE memory (seriously, its an issue!).   I was so thankful for one of my friends since either middle or elementary meeting me there, because I kept saying, "Melissa, who is that?   I know that face!".    I kept hearing too though, "Who is that?   You look just the same but I don't remember you".   Hahaha.  It was a trip.

I think what stuck out to me, is that we were all family because we all came from the same place and that was a bond.   I know most of those people, whether we remember each other or not, we have each others backs.   It was a feeling of being back home.   I have lived a lot of places and made some amazing friends (and am so thankful for that!), but nothing beats the feeling of being back home and being by family and people you grew up with.

Its been awesome to see all of us reconnecting there and on Facebook either.   People telling each other whether we remember each other or not, I got your back.   Im here if you need me, Im praying with you.  Also, what else better way to honor our dear friends memory then to see this grow?  Shed be proud fellow Pioneers! (yes, my mascot was a Pioneer, his name was Little Willie, go ahead and laugh).

Our high school motto was "FAILURE IS NOT AN OPTION".   I have for years thought that was so cheesy and made fun of that.  But looking at all my people and seeing and hearing their stories, we all have one, and that motto keeps staying strong.  We do not fail because we keep on ticking.   Proud to be a part of such a strong group of people.

PS--Yes, I know I stick out like a sore thumb!   My friend Melissa and I somehow got centered the only two white people right in the middle.   Yes, we all laugh about it!   Nobody cares.  Hahaha

1 comment:

  1. Pasteys girls in the middle :) Glad we got to spend time together this weekend with our fellow Pioneer family. I know we made her proud!
