Friday, July 25, 2014

Creeper Chronicles, Vol. 1

OK, so sometimes, OK a lot of times, I run into the biggest creeper guys ever that for some reason, think I want them to hit on me and ask me out.   It is extremely disgusting, disturbing, and hilarious.   So I have decided to dedicate a new section of my blog to them called CREEPER CHRONICLES.  (If you run into any creepers, please share so I can post here too!)   Guys, if you ever find yourself reading my blog and realize it is about you, I am sorry, but when your that crazy, I just have to post it.  Haha.   Learn a lesson and don't be a creeper.  I promise not to out anyone or post any real life pictures.  :-)

Back story:  I recently started a job at a medical transport place where we help get people to different medical appointments who could not otherwise.  Today at the end of the day, I took my work vehicle to the gas station to fill it up.  It was the end of a long day and I was tired and not in the mood to be approached (not that I ever am honestly, hahaha.  Unless your a gorgeous millionaire, I may change my mood for that, just MAYBE!).

In walks a group of what I think were mechanics (I'm not saying mechanics are bad at all, but picture dirty, greasy, yuck).  One of them sees my name tag and asks me how to pronounce my name.   I could see where this was going (ladies, you know that look in their eyes, ugh).  I don't like to be rude, so I answered but very short and in a tone I hoped said "leave me alone".  He then asks what I do because you cant really tell by my name tag.   I say medical transport.  Again, very short and blunt hoping he would get the point.  My intuition already screaming "Annoying Creeper Alert!  Annoying Creeper Alert!".   One of his buddies says, "Ohhh, gross.  Organs."   I just say NO.   Then original creeper says "Oh cadavers (dead bodies)!".   I say again very short, "No, its live people who just need help.".    Then here is where it gets crazier and creepier.  No joke, he says, "Cadavers would be hotter.   Would you like to go out or something sometime?"   I was in shock!   I rolled my eyes and used the typical single girl cop out, "No my boyfriend would not like that I don't think."   I wish I had a better response, but I couldn't believe he tried that!   Cadavers are hotter!?!?   He had no chance to begin with, but did he really think that would work???   Hahaha.

Mr. Creeper Guy, the one who apparently loves dead bodies, there is a reason you are single.......

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